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“COMUNICAZIONE” – Dolphins Newsletter, August, 2014 issue

Presenting the August issue of “Communicazione”.

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Dolphins Newsletter August 2014

Galaxy War for Batch 12-14

Drop the last year into the silent limbo of the past. Let it go, for it was imperfect……..

Thanks to cosmos club that it gone have Galaxy War with lots of cheers and fun in the campus for New Year

Galaxy War

Future plan of action:-
1) Photoshop.
2) Flash .
3) Dreamweaver(html).
5) Oracle .
6) Tally ERP – 9
7) Galaxy war for 12-14.
8) Mock interview “Question Bank” will be provided for 11-13 batch and for 12-14 batch.

We are in the cosmos and the cosmos is in us.

Simmy,Naveen,Abhishek Anandlal Sahu,Arpit,Rohit Mehta,Bose.

Cosmos farewell party for 10-12 batch in iba

Stars with Super stars(Cosmos farewell party for 10-12 batch in iba)

Handsome faces(Cosmos farewell party for 10-12 batch in iba)


The Logo of the club shows a man deep in thought. The posture of the thinking man signifies that he is neither stressing too hard nor is he too relaxed in thought. He is in a state of trance and focused on the point of thought. In short, the logo signifies focus, depth and thirst for knowledge.

The COSMOS (Business Quiz) Club of IBA, Bangalore, encourages the spirit of quizzing and creates a thirst for knowledge. It prepares teams for participation in various competitions

Cosmos (koz?m?s, -mos) n.

  • The world or universe considered as an orderly system.
  • Any orderly and complete system. [Syn. Universe, World]

Future plan of action:-

  1. Launch of the club for 12-14 batch.
  2. Conduct the  annual “Galaxy War” event for 12-14 batch.